peace out g's

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peace out g's

Post by rockstar »

im leaving for the valley tommorow for some super sick winter walling. will post tr's if i don't die. peace out.
fuck the haters
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Post by kentuckysarah »

Have fun!
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Post by gunslnga »

I know,how about you return the stove you stole from the cabin in the southern region.
I have it on good authority that a warrant will be issued if property or an amount agreed upon by you and the cabin owner is not met. I also will be in the area this weekend, you and I have had words before, but now you have directly affected me
via this cabin. I hope you are well along on your trip and out of my reach, remember I know who you are, but you don't know me, pay the money, return the stove, or keep a good look over your shoulder :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: peace out g's

Post by Paul3eb »

rockstar wrote:will post tr's if i don't die. peace out.
for a minute i was trying to figure out how you would be posting topropes from out west and why you would spray about it..
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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Post by Meadows »

Baby, please don't die.
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Post by flashmaster »

gunsucka......Aparently you dont know the capacity of rockstar.....If i were you I wouldn't F with him. He's F-ing nuts. I dont even think you could handle him.
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Post by gunslnga »

I'm ready, willing, and able, Ive been around a year now, and have seen the way people act around this guy, he's a parasite sucking on the blood of the Gorge community and no one will dislodge him. I want him to do what's right and return the stove or pay the agreed amount to the cabin owners, and if not I would rather let the authorities handle it. I just know he has a smart ass mouth that tends to write checks his ass can't cash, so it will be what it will be. I appreciate the tip either way, sarcastic or concerned, it's all the same on her.....
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Post by Yasmeen »

Man, climbers stealing from climbers is just disgusting. We all work hard for the money we put into our sport, and to mooch off of someone else's effort put forth for their passion is just low.
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Post by flashmaster »

Hmmm.......I've known him a little longer than you. I dont know what he aledgedly did but I will vouch for his character. Yes he does go the cheapest way possible which is usually eating shit....literally. But hey to each his own. He's a good guy and he's done his share for the Gorge. I'd rather have him catching my ass any day. To say he is a blood sucker, I'll have to disagree. I've got his back any day.
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Post by gunslnga »

Flashmaster says....
Hmmm.......I've known him a little longer than you. I dont know what he aledgedly did but I will vouch for his character. Yes he does go the cheapest way possible which is usually eating shit....literally. But hey to each his own. He's a good guy and he's done his share for the Gorge. I'd rather have him catching my ass any day. To say he is a blood sucker, I'll have to disagree. I've got his back any day.

Honorable, expectable from a freind, and expected from a bro, I may have chosen my words harshly by your account of him, but precisely in mine. This is the second time he has directly stolen from climbers, first time was minor but it was the principal of the theft. He stole a small amount of money from a freind, who I would do all the things you would do for him, at Rocktoberfest. It was blatantly in front of everyone, when caught, he denied it, then when he could'nt get away, acted like it was a joke. Now he has removed a wood burning stove from a cabin that is un-occupied while it's owners are away. You know him better than me, and to you I'm sure he is the bad ass climbing fool you make him to be, but it does'nt make this any less true. I respect your standing by your partner, and if your profile is correct on your Veteran status, I understand the importance of a good battle buddy. I urge you to see for yourself before you put him in a critical situation where it becomes him or you. So far you seem high speed low drag, don't let one bad soldier ruin the squad, good luck and see you when I see you...... :)
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....
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