Alright you buyers and sellers! The online Auction is up and ready and waiting for your gear and bids!
Note: Payment cannot be made immediately via the auction. When the auction ends, it's left to the buyer and seller to figure out shipping and payment via PMs. It's up to the seller to send in the donation from their auction to the RRGCC or by using the PayPal donation link on the front of this site.
Thanks everyone!
Michelle and Ray
Online Auction is Up!
Online Auction is Up!
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
You all can use this Auction Forum for whatever you want. Just specify if you're donating the money to the PMRP fundraiser in your auction.
The Auction Forum has fee functionality which we disabled. So it's a free service. Use it at your own risk as we are not responsible for "deals gone bad". I think it's pretty cool and hopefully it will become a well used added feature to this site. Only our members can buy and sell.
For information on how to use it, look at ... p?mode=faq
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The Auction Forum has fee functionality which we disabled. So it's a free service. Use it at your own risk as we are not responsible for "deals gone bad". I think it's pretty cool and hopefully it will become a well used added feature to this site. Only our members can buy and sell.
For information on how to use it, look at ... p?mode=faq
To read our terms of use, look at ... mode=terms
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
The thermarest I've up for auction, all proceeds go to the PMRP.
Once I figure out how to attach a comment to the Auction listing-I'll do that.
Once I figure out how to attach a comment to the Auction listing-I'll do that.

I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
- Robert McCloskey
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
- Emo Philips
- Robert McCloskey
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
- Emo Philips
You can put up to seven pictures an auction (I think). Just read the FAQs. Everything you need to know is answered there. ... p?mode=faq
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.