Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...
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Post by Gretchen »

It is time to start planning your spring trip to the Red on Memorial Weekend and this year the RRGCC will be hosting the Derbyfest!

What we need to do now is to focus on what the RRGCC objectives are for this years event! We have two major objectives:
1) Murray Property Purchase
2) Funds to cover operational costs

So let's talk about each objective!

1) WE WANT LAND!! And to own that land requires lotsa $$$$$, dinero, payola, bling bling (in Merricks case).

We also have a deadline on the Option to Purchase. So our focus is to raise between $20-40K. THe more we have the better shape that we will be in.

By Johnny's research we are roughly looking at: Drive By, Oil, Bob Marley, Arena, Dark & Solar {Please correct me if I am wrong, doing this off the top of my head}

Not only do we need to satisfy a down payment, there is insurance, monthly installments, taxes, etc.

The reality of it is that the ENTIRE CLIMBING COMMUNITY will be the "Owners" of some very significant climbing areas! This is not just the RRGCC, this is YOURS!

2) Each year the RRGCC grows stronger and more effective. With the growth that we experience comes more challenges. We have soooo many goals and objectives that we have identified through strategic planning.

The two major challenges that we face as an organization is not enough stafff/ volunteers and not enough liquid cash flow to execute all of the objectives that we lay out.

As soon as we tighten up the list, I will post the 2003 Strategic PLan objectives. We were very fortunate that since November 2002, we held 5 meetings to develop our plan and outcome. We have a core group of volunteers that make the process possible. The important thing is that we want EVERYONES input as well.

We are at the point where an organization needs to evaluate the current and future goals. One of those is to obtain full time staff. We have to much work to be done to be effective to ride on the volunteer coat tails!

So we will be asking the climbing community to help pitch in . We hope that you realize that we take your efforts very seriously and we enjoy what we are doing tremendously. But to be honest without more operational support, the RRGCC will not function at the level that we know that it can!

Also needed for the event:


Please let me know if you are able to help out. I will need people to help with organizing the event, setting up, working the event, and breakin it down!


What do you want to see at the event?
Johnny is a lacey thong maybe?
Lynne in a dunking booth??
Ray demonstrating his infamous crack machine??
We can Raffle Heratio off to the highest bidder: "Pet Rock: CLimber"

Seriously, We do need suggestions and we want what you want! So please post some killer ideas!


Last edited by Gretchen on Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Yasmeen »

Full time staff, eh? You wouldn't happen to want a systems analyst in a couple of years, would you? :wink:
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Post by Gretchen »

NOt a bad idea Yasi! Wait until the RRGCC has an office suite :wink: We certainly need a computer whiz! We need a new site administrator! We our goal with the website is to make it more user friendly, and update it at a faster rate. Current the fellow that is doing it for us lives in Michigan, so out of site, out of mind...
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Post by Gretchen »

Come on people! Let's hear your ideas :!: :!: on what you want to see at this years Derbyfest!!! I need to get crackin on the plans. :!:
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Post by Andrew »

Do another dyno comp or something of that nature. Lots of beer. 512ow singing or rapping one of his great climbing songs.
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Post by Andrew »

Whats the date for derby fest
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Post by dipsi »

I'll help! Let me know! 8)
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

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Post by Jeff »

Have you been practicing your Frito tossing dipsi?
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Post by Gretchen »

Well it's the weekend of May24th-26th. {Just realized that I have a wedding to go to andthe Bride literally will kick my butt if I am not there~~she was in my wedding!} So how does Sunday look for everyone??
Just genuinely disengenuous.

Post by Guest »

Gretchen, Sunday for Arno's course is great for me. Let's get a crew together and lock it in.

I'd be game to be in a dunking booth if enough people would pay for the chance to start the next great flood - hell yeah! I'm sure a few people would like to dunk you, too, girl!!

The dyno comp was a huge hit from where I was sitting at Rocktoberfest. I think we need to do something similar, but perhaps have additional categories rather than just mens and womens. Quite a few people I talked to were too intimidated by the talent to compete.

Come on folks, start sending in your ideas!
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