squeezindlemmon wrote:No Ultra, we can't pull off such events without you around to facilitate them.
I've been wrestling myself alot lately, I must confess. I discovered this stuff called "astroglide". No matter how hard I grip, I just can't pin myself down. Wrestlin', it's such a fun sport.
Since this thread is already Hi-jacked. Does anyone have any Astroglide stories?
Do you like apples? Well, how do you like [b]THEM APPLES[/b]
man, let's get back to the bitchin'...all your "love in crap" is getting old....
greg and tim....ding...ding...round two...get at it!!!
when all's said and done..it really is just rock climbing, and it all matters little. do what you love, love what you do. if the outside "thank you's" never come, at least know inside that you gave your best.....
I have been sitting here for half an hour trying to stop my fingers from typing and stay out of this bullshit. But alas, her I am. I'm a pacifist and the only reason this is being written is because Greg has done more to help me as a climber and a friend than just about anyone else I know. When starting to climb everyone needs a person to ask stupid questions to and, inversely, to be told when they are doing something stupid. Greg has served as this person for a lot more people than just myself. He has selflessly put time and money into Muir, giving away first ascents in hopes to bring in a community attitude into the development.
The trad route that we got the first ascent on (which I caught him on each of the 3 times he whipped on the “R” section) and the solarium gold streak don’t have anything to do with this post. What does is the lack of response from my peers. Now, like I said, I’m a pacifist and reticent of criticism. I understand if others feel this way too. But this is to everybody who has complained about Tim and the seemingly exclusive attitude toward development. This is to everyone who has heard Tim say that he “will cut you off”, to everyone who has made sheriff jokes and to all those who aren’t from Indiana and might want to bolt a route at Muir. Because these are things that I have been hearing for 2 years and am wondering why people can talk shit but when the time comes to support what they really feel they just don’t.
PS. This is my first post ever and I am just an immature, overzealous college student so go easy on me.
I am not from Indiana, I have never met Greg or Tim, yet Tim has been very helpful in steering me towards routes to bolt at Muir. Come to think of it, I have not met a single person on Team Muir. Anyway, this is private land, Tim has graciously offered to "oversee" over zealous route equippers and our need for satisfaction. If anyone tells you they put up routes ONLY for the common good, they are a liar. I have put up a few, and I can tell you that there is an immense amount of personal satisfaction that goes into a route. We want to name it, rate it (or be a humble sprayer and say "I can't rate climbs"), climb it first, tell all our buds how cool it is, and get defensive when others critique our work or under appreciate our "mad prop" skills. Let's be honest here. It takes cash, time, sweat, vision and a whole lot more effort than most weekend chuffers want to exert to put up a FA. So, equippers, relish in the glory that is yours.
Greg and Tim, thank you both for contributing to the Red in such tangible ways.
Bryan, The Indiana thing is not true at all, The first route the solarium compelted at the solarium was done by Eric Anderson from Ky.Kipp is also from ky.Hugh was also given a route. These are only ones that have asked, and were given permission. Everyone that asked to do route has done one. Everyone is missing the fact that Greg has never called me ask why he was turned down. The are plans that Rick and discuss on daily basis about Muir which public does not know about. We want climbers to bolt their own routes. We have had bolting clinics to teach people how to bolt . Its pretty bad when some gets turned down the first time and start trashing someone on the internet. And Ultra, I asked Greg to come to Muir and nobody was shit on! He has gotten to do several great lines. It is not the wild west at Muir. There other places to bolt on private land that do not have has many rules as Muir. I even gave Greg a very good price on bolts and picked them up and for him.I spend alot of my time with no pay to do this job. There weekends at Muir when i do not climb at all, just work. I have only bolted 1 route myself this year. Anyone that has drill and wants to bolt can contact me anytime if they want to put a route up. You all forgetting that Muir is Private property and there rules and changes being made daily.
(I'm from Illinois, btw.) Now living in Lexington. Working on my tooth decay and beer belly to become a local though.
ultra...it truly isn't about being "cool"...Muir Valley does not belong to everyone. It is private land, and we are guests. If I want free reign to bolt, then I should buy my own cliffline. Since I ain't got the cash, I'll take my turn in helping out with the current resources our great community has.