i used a dildo on your ass because it's so blown out that when i'm fucking you, shit blows out on my ballsack...you know...during those really deep pumps down your vagina when i hit the walls of your uterus and you scream like a bitch.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast
Fuck you blonde piece of shit with your dirty ass fucking stinky pussy. You breezed right by my tape and couldn't even tell the fucking difference between pink and red. Pink is for pussy meat and red is for blood. Bitch.
be quiet with that kicking off crap... First they go for the jews and the gypsies then eventually the white boys. So stop your whining and don't read it if you don't like it!
Do you like apples? Well, how do you like [b]THEM APPLES[/b]
fuckin a red is for blood. the blood i drank from your freshly circumsized pussy. step up to the plate next time you think you're hard. i'll cover your body with gashes from a rusty saw blade and fill each one with semen after i fuck it.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast