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Eric (MI)
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Post by Eric (MI) »

The image is real, and as was suggested, is a mosaic of (I believe here don't quote me on this) over 125 individual photos. And both issues in my humble opinion are correct, energy can be wasted but as creatures of comfort let's use it wisely and enjoy the comforts it makes for us, oh yeah and start some R&D for the next major energy source so we (or should I say our great, great, great, great^5 Grandchildren) are not rushing around like damn fools when we are getting to the ends of our current means of energy.

As a new member to this list, my disclaimer is, "Hey what does one newbies opinion matter" The only gripe I have with the "Light Polution" in the photo is that it seriously impeads on my second hobby of amatuer astronomy, and that just pisses me off. In comparison imagine if someone put a 10,000 Candle power spot light on the top of your favorite route, shining straight down into your eyes. Then again this would probably help me and teach me to climb by feel a little more.
As the old saying goes "A bad day of climbing, beats a good day at work." Oh wait, there is no such thing as a bad day of climbing?
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Post by Yasmeen »

Hey Eric, welcome to the board! And there's no need for a disclaimer, we were all newbies at one point (except for Lynne, she popped out of the womb with 350 posts...)
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)

Post by Guest »

Yasmeen wrote:Hey Eric, welcome to the board! And there's no need for a disclaimer, we were all newbies at one point (except for Lynne, she popped out of the womb with 350 posts...)
Yep, Eric, I'm a "special child." Welcome!

LOL Yasmeen.
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Post by dipsi »

Welcome, you like beer? :?
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
Eric (MI)
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jan 25, 2003 12:40 pm

Post by Eric (MI) »

Who doesn't? Guiness is the poison of choice of course.
As the old saying goes "A bad day of climbing, beats a good day at work." Oh wait, there is no such thing as a bad day of climbing?
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Post by merrick »

now i know this post is old... and i don't really have anything to say about waste...but i did hear an interesting fact.

the colorado river, the river that cut the grand canyon, no longer makes it to the ocean. it is all used up from generating power and water getting pumped into phoenix and other desert communities.

now i know that we could take a physicists approach and say that the earth is a closed system and no water can be lost from it. that is true. but how about we take an engineers approach and say water is a finite resource in the environment it is in. how can we manage this resource in the most beneficial way possible?

anyway i just thought it was an interesting fact.
Back from the Dead!
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Post by discojett »

Merrick, I'll tell you what the geniuses here in Colorado are coming up with -

My favorite is the Logging for Water Bill recently introduced. It seems that some brilliant lawmakers here think that if you cut down the trees at the headwaters of the watersheds, then there is more water for the people to use to wash their cars, water the lawns, basically waste. No trees=more water. Brilliant. Trees are such an eyesore anyway.

There is also talk of building many more dams. Not much talk of conservation at all.

Common Sense is long gone in this country.
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Post by Lucinda »

Did ja know that the Sonora desert in Arizona used to be semi-arid/temperate? Seems all the sheep grazing altered the climate by defoliating the grasslands. I love that night time photo of the earth. It makes we want to move somewhere elso also. Lynn, is the Farm still in existance? I remember hearing about that place IN THE 70's! Man your dating yerself.
"real life bleeding fingers..."
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Post by dipsi »

I'm not Lynne of course (can't fit in her size 2), but I do believe The Farm is still operating. I knew two families who lived on The Farm, and I got two opposing opinions. I can't remember the founder's name.....David something, I believe, but I heard that he pretty much ruled with an iron fist. But, that was from the lazy couple I knew. I actually think they were invited to leave. The hard working couple I met really enjoyed their lives down there. There is always the option of starting our own community. Perhaps near the Red......................there are probably enough skills among us to pull it off. Just a thought!
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd, Runs marathons to raise money and awareness about children orphaned by AIDS
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Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2002 3:28 pm

Post by Spoonman »

We are probably wasting energy: electiricity (it could go to some one in need), oil and other natural resources, and calories (posting on the net).

What gets me is "Drilling in the Artic Wildereness", logging on Forest Service Lands at a loss (we pay, so timber companies do not have to restructure) and Bush not taking responsiblity for emissions.

Air is an abundant resource and gets filtered, but how many cities have "ozone awarenss days"........ how bad will it be for my daughter when she is my age?

Optimistically, though I think someone will figure out alternative energy strategies (solar is my guess, above nuclear), but the question is: will the "power elete" let society benefit from it?
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